The EuroFOX Aircraft Achieves New German Type Certification, Featuring Maximum Take-Off Weight of 560kg


This new type cer­ti­fi­ca­tion will be applied in reg­is­tra­tion of new Euro­FOX air­craft in Ger­many, and would be base for reg­is­tra­tion of Euro­FOX in oth­er coun­tries in Europe.

Eurofox with Rotax 915iS


After a few months of devel­op­ment, we suc­cess­ful­ly flew a brand new Euro­fox with a Rotax 915is engine. For this type of engine, we mod­i­fied the design and we added two large air intakes on the sides. The 915iS is fuel inject­ed, tur­bocharged, and inter­cooled engine with 141 horse­pow­er.

Aeropro at SIAF 2021


The Euro­fox and Vision were pre­sent­ed in a sta­t­ic demon­stra­tion at Slo­vak Inter­na­tion­al Air Fest 2021.


New Video about our Vision


Watch the lat­est video about the Vision air­craft. For more infor­ma­tion about Vision project vis­it

Sequence 01

Vision web

After years of devel­op­ment in aero­pro, we are bring­ing our pride and joy to the avi­a­tion com­mu­ni­ty. We are pre­sent­ing a fast, safe, roomy, qui­et and com­fort­able aero­plane. An aero­plane, which is ready for the future. This is our idea how a mod­ern, two seat aero­plane should look like. This is our vision!

vision web

RAF 100 Great Britain to New Zealand


We’ve build spe­cial Euro­fox for 100th anniver­sary of RAF. 2018 will be the 100th anniver­sary of the for­ma­tion of the RAF from the Roy­al Fly­ing Corps and the Roy­al Naval Air Ser­vice, to cre­ate the first inde­pen­dent air force in the world. At its peak, the RAF was tru­ly a glob­al force, result­ing in a rich his­tor­i­cal lega­cy over a wide geo­graph­i­cal area. The RAF 100 Great Britain to New Zealand expe­di­tion aims to vis­it a large num­ber of sig­nif­i­cant for­mer RAF loca­tions on a 13 000 mile route fol­low­ing the path paved by the aero­nau­ti­cal trail blaz­ers of the 1920s and 30s.

Here is the offi­cial GBNZ web.