

The Euro­fox are fac­to­ry-built two-seat air­craft man­u­fac­tured by Aero­pro in Slo­va­kia. Aero­pro has been pro­duc­ing air­craft since 1990 with now over 700 air­craft now fly­ing around the world. The Euro­fox has mod­ern designs with excel­lent per­for­mance and fea­tures — built with the finest work­man­ship and mate­ri­als result­ing in a com­plet­ed air­craft of the high­est qual­i­ty.

The Euro­FOX is a real air­craft in every respect. It is joy to fly and own, extreme­ly com­fort­able with respon­sive, coor­di­nat­ed con­trols which immerse the pilot in the plea­sure of flight. With class lead­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty, the Euro­FOX pro­vides true agili­ty and tremen­dous sat­is­fac­tion for the pilot and pas­sen­ger.

Avail­able with the world’s lead­ing aero engine for all LSA air­craft, the Rotax 912 series. The air­craft is a high wing STOL air­craft with class lead­ing han­dling, spec­i­fi­ca­tion, pay­load and per­for­mance that can­not be matched by its direct com­peti­tors. Hav­ing the widest under­car­riage in class, con­struct­ed in robust GRP, the air­craft is proven over decades with almost half a mil­lion land­ings. The Euro­FOX is a real fun and engag­ing air­craft capa­ble of oper­at­ing from the short­est and rough­est strips, whilst effi­cient­ly cruis­ing at 100 knots.


Fuel capac­i­ty (L)


Eco­nom­i­cal speed Vek (km/h)


Min. speed (km/h)


Max. Speed (km/h)


Technical data



Wingspan9,125 m
Length 5,605 m
Height2,25 m
Cock­pit Width1,12 m
Wing area with flap11.4 m²
Chord length with­out flap1,12 m
Chord length with flap1,3 m
Wingload­ing39,47 kgm‑2
Aspect ratio7.3
Min. speed65 km/h
Oper­at­ing speed110–160 km/h
Opti­mal speed Vopt140 km/h
Eco­nom­i­cal speed Vek160 km/h
Max. Flap Exten­sion Speed 150 km/h
Max.speed208 km/h

Operating Weights and Loading



All up Emp­ty Weight (Aver­age A/C)289 kg
Max. Take-off Weight-LSA cat­e­go­ry560 kg
Bag­gage hold20kgs as stan­dard
Cross wind lim­it27.8 km/h
Glide Ratio9:1
Range997 km (6Hrs)
Take-off Ground Roll at MAUW139 m
Land­ing Ground Roll at MAUW130 m

Dimensions with Wings Folded



Max Width2,4 m
Max Height1,77 m
Length6,4 m
Main Gear Width2,3 m


Eurofox 2K

Euro­fox 2K tail­drag­ger fea­tures a com­pos­ite main land­ing gear and has wide-spaced main wheels to aid with cross-wind land­ings and take­offs, as well as result­ing in supe­ri­or ground han­dling. Euro­FOX 2K is a tail­drag­ger type with con­trolled tail wheel and are equipped by the Beringer dual toe brake sys­tem.

Main gear options


  • Mitas stan­dard-size tires (15x6.00x6) with wheel pants
  • Carlisle Tun­dra tires (18x8.00x6)
  • Aero Clas­sic Tun­dra tires (21x8.5x6)
  • Airstreak 26″ Tun­dra tires (26x12x6)

Eurofox 3K

Euro­FOX 3K a fixed tri­cy­cle under­car­riage with a con­trol­lable nose wheel. Euro­fox 3K has a com­pos­ite main land­ing gear and chro­moly met­al tube front leg. Main gear are equipped by the hydraulic disk brakes oper­at­ed from the left and right seat. A park­ing brake is option­al.

Main gear options


  • Mitas stan­dard-size tires (15x6.00x6) with wheel pants
  • Carlisle Tun­dra tires (18x8.00x6)
  • Aero Clas­sic Tun­dra tires (21x8.5x6)

Nose gear options


  • Mitas (12x4)
  • Carlisle Tun­dra tires (18x8.00)

Tow version

Euro­FOX is a strong per­former, able to tow glid­ers up to 800 kgs and also per­for­mance glid­ers with a wing load­ing over 50 kg/m2. From a Nim­bus 3DT to a JS1, all club two seaters and vin­tage in between…..

The air­craft is very eco­nom­i­cal to own and run, with proven capa­bil­i­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty, fru­gal annu­al main­te­nance costs with excel­lent tug per­for­mance.

The Euro­FOX has been aero­tow­ing in world for a decade, most sites being dif­fi­cult grass airstrips. The Euro­FOX can be spec­i­fied as a tail drag­ger or nose wheel, and with the major­i­ty of EU glid­ing sites being unpaven grass strips, often bog­gy, some­times short in length, only the Euro­FOX tail drag­ger with tun­dra tyres will do.

” In the last 2 years G‑MOYR has flown 830 hours to date, done 4200 aerotows, and 4300 landings. The aircraft is in remarkably good order, flies superbly, and the retract winch has performed faultlessly. ”

Paint schemes

Classic paint schemes

Special paint schemes


We are using Imron Fleet Line for body col­or. Imron Fleet Line is advanced prod­uct sys­tem for com­mer­cial vehi­cles, trucks, bus­es and trail­ers. It con­sists of a wide range of prod­ucts from under­coats to top­coats.

Imron Fleet Line sys­tems pro­vide a full colour offer­ing includ­ing RAL and cor­po­rate shades. A com­pre­hen­sive under­coat pack­age enables you to apply Imron Fleet Line to a vari­ety of sub­strates. A choice of thin­ners and acti­va­tors allows you to tai­lor the per­for­mance of Imron Fleet Line to your spe­cif­ic needs.

RAL sam­pler

We are using high per­for­mance ImagePer­fect™ 5700 foils for stick­ers. ImagePer­fect™ films in the 5700 Pre­mi­um range are suit­able for indoor and out­door appli­ca­tions. The vinyls are spe­cial­ly-for­mu­lat­ed, flex­i­ble, cal­en­dered PVC to enable them to cut bet­ter and weed eas­i­er and faster. These films are coat­ed with a pres­sure-sen­si­tive, acrylic adhe­sive suit­able for use on a wide vari­ety of clean, dry sur­faces. The exclu­sive lin­er is a sealed, kraft paper which gives con­stant layflat and trou­ble-free con­ver­sion on all cad/cam equip­ment from the fastest drum and flatbed plot­ters to screen press­es.

ImagePer­fect™ 5700 sam­pler

Folding wings

The Euro­FOX wing­fold is a stan­dard and cen­tral fea­ture of the air­craft, there is no wear and tear, it is designed to have the wings fold­ed on a dai­ly basis if that is required. One per­son can open or fold the wings, sin­gle hand­ed­ly in less than 10 min­utes, no tricks, no heavy lift­ing or any extra hands need­ed.

Our wing­fold was designed from the out­set and an inte­gral part of the air­craft, not an after­thought as so many oth­er “wing­fold” claims are. All the Euro­FOX air­craft are always kept with wings fold­ed, and they have been so for many years, no prob­lems at all after many hun­dreds of dai­ly “fold and unfolds”.



Wing of rec­tan­gu­lar plat­form with its own aero­foil sec­tion is of frame struc­ture with two spar tubes and the sys­tem of diag­o­nal struts and sys­tem of ribs. Al-alloy tubes of 63 mm die­mater are rein­forced in the hinges regions by tubes of cor­re­spond­ing diam­e­ter. A sys­tem of ribs con­sists of 14 ribs and of 13 aux. ribs sup­port­ing the fab­ric skin in the front wing area. In the hor­i­zon­tal plane the wing is braced by a sys­tem of diag­o­nal steel spar tube.


The wing is cov­ered by syn­thet­ic fab­ric POLY FIBER, with applied stretch­ing lac­quer and sprayed by a first-rate exte­ri­or enam­el. flap­er­ons (Junkers flap) are attached through five hinges to the ribs under the wing trail­ing edge. The flap­per­on struc­ture con­sists of Al-alloy tube and lam­i­nate sand­wich (foam, epoxy resin, glass) formed in a neg­a­tive mould. Both wings are attached to the fuse­lage in the upper part through the main tube hinges and in the bot­toom part by the hinges of the “V” ‑shaped wing struts. The sys­tem of com­mon rear wing hinge and tilt truss axes allows the wing to tilt along the fuse­lage rear part. This saves a lot of stor­age place and allows the road trans­port.


The fuse­lage is designed to pro­vide max­i­mum strength, pilot and pas­sen­ger com­fort, and ease of con­struc­tion. The canopy frame, engine attach points is enveloped in a high-strength, 4130 Chro­moly cage — the same steel used to man­u­fac­ture rifle bar­rels — pro­vid­ing an addi­tion­al lay­er of secu­ri­ty and safe­ty.


Eurofox 2K

Eurofox 3K



Eurofox has roomy cockpit 112cm — wider than a Cessna 172!
The aircraft has two upholstered side-by-side. Each is equipped with four-point seatbelt. Luggage compartment with dimension 500 x 300 x 400 mm is situated behind the seats. Is designed for maximum 10 kg. Eurofox has clear polycarbonate gull-wing doors equipped with gas-lift struts and with doors quick-removable (for flying without doors!)



The EuroFOX is a traditional aircraft and our philosophy on engine choices is quite simple – stick with proven tried and tested engines, with known performance, reliability and service history. Therefore, the EuroFOX has dedicated its engine choices to the market leading 4 stroke “Rotax” range of aircraft engines, all with simple maintenance schedules. Rotax engines have a 2000 hour TBO, with the ability to “run on condition” thereafter, with many examples lasting over 4000 hours.

Rotax family

Choose youR favourite engine

rotax 912 UL
Rotax 912 UL (80 HP)


  • Four-stroke pis­ton engine with four liq­uid- and air-cooled cylin­ders
  • Dry sump forced lubri­ca­tion with sep­a­rate oil tank, auto­mat­ic adjust­ment by hydraulic valve tap­pet
  • 2 car­bu­re­tors
  • Mechan­i­cal fuel pump
  • Dual elec­tron­ic igni­tion
  • Elec­tric starter
  • Pro­peller speed reduc­tion gear­box
rotax 912 ULS
Rotax 912 ULS (100HP)


  • Four-stroke pis­ton engine with four liq­uid- and air-cooled cylin­ders
  • Dry sump forced lubri­ca­tion with sep­a­rate oil tank, auto­mat­ic adjust­ment by hydraulic valve tap­pet
  • 2 car­bu­re­tors
  • Mechan­i­cal fuel pump
  • Dual elec­tron­ic igni­tion
  • Elec­tric starter
  • Pro­peller speed reduc­tion unit
  • Air intake sys­tem
rotax 912 iS
Rotax 912 iS Sport (100 HP)


  • Four-stroke pis­ton engine with four liq­uid- and air-cooled cylin­ders
  • Redun­dant elec­tron­ic fuel injec­tion and igni­tion, eco mode
  • EMS and pro­peller speed reduc­tion gear­box
  • Dry sump forced lubri­ca­tion with sep­a­rate oil tank, auto­mat­ic adjust­ment by hydraulic valve tap­pets
  • Elec­tric starter
  • Air intake sys­tem
  • TBO 2,000 hrs
rotax 914 UL
Rotax 914 UL (115 HP)


  • Four-stroke pis­ton engine with four liq­uid- and air-cooled cylin­ders
  • With tur­bocharg­er
  • With auto­mat­ic waste gate con­trol
  • Dry sump forced lubri­ca­tion with sep­a­rate oil tank
  • Auto­mat­ic adjust­ment by hydraulic valve tap­pet
  • 2 car­bu­re­tors
  • Dual elec­tron­ic igni­tion
  • Elec­tric starter
  • Pro­peller speed reduc­tion gear­box
rotax 915 iS
Rotax 915 iS (141HP)


  • Four-stroke pis­ton engine with four liq­uid- and air-cooled cylin­ders
  • Tur­bocharg­er with stain­less steel exhaust
  • Redun­dant elec­tron­ic fuel injec­tion and igni­tion
  • Dry sump forced lubri­ca­tion with sep­a­rate oil tank
  • Air intake sys­tem with inter­cool­er
  • TBO (Time between over­hauls) 1,200 hours
  • Engine man­age­ment sys­tem (EMS)

Download brochures

Eurofox 912


4130 Chromoly cage


The fuselage is designed to provide maximum strength, pilot and passenger comfort, and ease of construction. The canopy frame, engine attach points is enveloped in a high-strength, 4130 Chromoly cage — the same steel used to manufacture rifle barrels — providing an additional layer of security and safety.

Fuel system

Fuel sys­tem has a total capac­i­ty of 86 l. It con­sists of two wing tanks (40 l each) and of an 5 l equal­iz­ing tank in the fuse­lage, con­nect­ed through the pipes with the fuel cock and fil­ter. Fuel lev­el indi­ca­tors are part of each tank, the min­im­im fuel warn­ing light is mount­ed as stan­dard.


The aero­plane is equipped by dual stick con­trol. Ele­va­tor and ailerons are con­trolled by a sys­tem of rods where­as the rud­der is cable con­trolled. The wing flaps are con­trolled by the lever and rod and through the coun­ter­shaft is thread­ed into aileron-flap­per­on cir­cuit. Trim con­trol is mount­ed as a stan­dard. All engine con­trols are placed on the instru­ment board. Rud­der con­trol – ped­als of foot con­trol are sit­u­at­ed on the floor in front part of cock­pit. Mov­ing of ped­als is trans­mit­ted on the rud­der through steel cable. Wing flaps – han­dle of wing flaps is sit­u­at­ed in mid­dle part of cock­pit.

Electric system

Elec­tric sys­tem is formed sin­gle-wire sys­tem of cabling with ground con­nec­tion neg­a­tive pole. Net­work sup­plies alter­na­tor with rec­ti­fi­er with 250W pow­er and accu­mu­la­tor 12V / 16Ah. Board net­work is switched by a switch key of switch box. Indi­vid­ual cir­cuits of appli­ances are switched by sep­a­rate switch­es and pro­tect­ed by a safe­ty lim­it switch.


Wing of rec­tan­gu­lar plat­form with its own aero­foil sec­tion is of frame struc­ture with two spar tubes and the sys­tem of diag­o­nal struts and sys­tem of ribs. Al-alloy tubes of 63 mm die­mater are rein­forced in the hinges regions by tubes of cor­re­spond­ing diam­e­ter. A sys­tem of ribs con­sists of 14 ribs and of 13 aux. ribs sup­port­ing the fab­ric skin in the front wing area. In the hor­i­zon­tal plane the wing is braced by a sys­tem of diag­o­nal steel spar tube.


The 2×25,5 l fuel tanks are housed in the wing root part. Tanks are weld­ed from Al-alloy sheet. The lead­ing edge shape is guar­an­teed by a fiber­glass part bond­ed in front of the spar tube. The trail­ing edge is fit­ted with an Al-alloy shaped bat­ten.


The wing is cov­ered by syn­thet­ic fab­ric POLY FIBER, with applied stretch­ing lac­quer and sprayed by a first-rate exte­ri­or enam­el. flap­er­ons (Junkers flap) are attached through five hinges to the ribs under the wing trail­ing edge. The flap­per­on struc­ture con­sists of Al-alloy tube and lam­i­nate sand­wich (foam, epoxy resin, glass) formed in a neg­a­tive mould. Both wings are attached to the fuse­lage in the upper part through the main tube hinges and in the bot­toom part by the hinges of the “V” ‑shaped wing struts. The sys­tem of com­mon rear wing hinge and tilt truss axes allows the wing to tilt along the fuse­lage rear part. This saves a lot of stor­age place and allows the road trans­port.



  • two-seat (side-by-side), high wing, avail­able in tri­cy­cle-gear or tail­drag­ger-ver­sion
  • quick-fold­ing wings — just a one-per­son, 10-minute job!
  • the Euro­fox 3K and 2K air­craft are eas­i­ly trail­er­a­ble!
  • pre­ci­sion-weld­ed 4130 chro­moly steel tube fuse­lage, alu­minum wing struc­ture with com­pos­ite lead­ing edges and com­pos­ite flap­er­ons, with fuse­lage and wings cov­ered with UV-pro­tect­ed Poly­Fiber fab­ric for long-term dura­bil­i­ty
  • high-per­for­mance three-blade com­pos­ite prop and with spin­ner
  • mold­ed acrylic front wind­shield for excel­lent dura­bil­i­ty
  • cock­pit-con­trol­lable oil tem­per­a­ture con­trol flap for quick­er warm-ups and inflight con­trol of oil tem­per­a­ture
  • oil lev­el access door in upper cowl­ing for eas­i­er oil lev­el check­ing
  • tri­cy­cle gear Euro­fox 3K  has steer­able nose­wheel with heavy duty sus­pen­sion
  • tri­cy­cle gear Euro­fox 3K  avail­able with choice of stan­dard tires with wheel pants or tun­dra tires
  • tail­drag­ger Euro­fox 2K has steer­able tail­wheel with com­pos­ite strut
  • tail­drag­ger Euro­fox 2K  avail­able with choice of stan­dard tires with wheel pants or tun­dra tires
  • heavy duty com­pos­ite main gear sus­pen­sion for both tri­cy­cle-gear or tail­drag­ger-ver­sion
  • hydraulic disk brakes on the main wheels with park­ing brake
  • ram-air intake sys­tem for improved effi­cien­cy and pow­er
  • spe­cial air­box design with carb heat sys­tem
  • stain­less steel exhaust sys­tem
  • Vernier-type throt­tle con­trol
  • cab­in heater and effec­tive dual fresh air vents
  • our cock­pit fits pilots from short to 200cm tall
  • roomy cock­pit with com­fort­able with durable uphol­stery and four-point seat/shoulder belts
  • large lug­gage com­part­ment (53cm wide, 76cm deep, 38cm — 56cm tall) with room to car­ry a lot of stuff
  • clear poly­car­bon­ate gull-wing doors equipped with gas-lift struts

Eurofox worldwide


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